We live in troubled times:

  • We're still a long way from gender equality, but many men say it’s tough to be a straight, white man these days.

  • The rights of women and LGBTQIA people are under attack, while the manosphere is angry that ‘women are taking over’ and misogyny, homophobia and transphobia fuel each other.

  • The anti-feminist backlash is growing, especially amongst young men, and cancel culture creates a climate of fear even for the men who want to help.

How can we get past the gender wars and 'menemies' mindset, and build a world that works better for all of us?

‘No More Menemies’ answers that question. Lori sets out eight big issues of gender inequality, including sex, parenting, and work; how men are conditioned to belittle anything ‘girly’ and police each other's masculinity; and even how much of the problem remains invisible.

But instead of telling men how they should change, she’s spent hours talking to all kinds of men, from undergrads to grandads, to understand what it feel like to be a man right now; and to try and find reasons why men might want to lean in to gender equality.

The results are fascinating, sometimes funny, and full of hope and positivity.